Prepare a content brief with built-in seo suggestions super fast and share with your writers and customers with a single click.
Create a free accountContent briefs give you a bird eye view of the content you are going to write. Starting with a well researched brief is the most efficient way to produce authoritative content on scale.
Contentpace content brief editor makes this process comfortably easy. There is no need for repeated copy and paste. Simply click on any information from the topic report and it will be added to your brief.
Edit, arrange and share the brief to move further with your writers and customers. Avoid back and forth email and save hours in rewriting content. Reduce re-writes & save hours in the editing process from day one.
Contentpace content brief editor is the most sophisticated software available in writing space. It’s proprietary design makes it comfortable to use.
While studying your topic report, simply click on any information or outlines and it gets added to your brief. Edit the brief on a modern user friendly interface and your brief is ready in minutes.
Contentpace seo content brief editor is designed with productivity and easiness in mind.
Gone are the days of writing instructions manually for each content brief. Contentpace’s smart brief editor automatically adds detailed SEO and writing instructions for your writers with every content brief.
Our customers love us for the speed and productivity we provide in their writing workflow and content brief being in the center of it, we are proud to set a trend with our unique design and pioneering technology.
It only takes a click to share a content brief with anyone. You can copy your well formatted brief with a single click or can share with your writers with a public url.
It’s super easy and user friendly.
Copyright © 2023 Contentpace SAS, 149 Av. du Maine 75014 Paris, France 🇫🇷